Parimala Hospital Bangalore is listed in Guinnesds World Records and is a recognized as official training centre of Colposcopy by Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India (FOGSI)
No.12/13, Bilakehalli, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore - 560076
Tel: 080-26583117
Mob: 998 601 5128
Mob: 8618586592

The Only Wholistic Orthopaedic care in Bangalore
What is Wholistic Orthopedics?
​My Patient Success Stories
Most of these patients have been treated elsewhere and have come to Dr John Ebnezar finding no relief or failure in the earlier treatment”
“Most patients were suggested Total Knee Replacement for OA knees,and the patients came to Dr John for an alternative solution to TKR as they were either unwilling or could not afford or were not fit medically and anaesthetically to undergo the surgery and were dumped as having no other options.”
“The other huge group was of Low backache, who had a failed treatment history or were offered surgery and were unwilling to undergo it. Came to Dr John as a last resort”
“For Most of them Dr John Ebnezar was their last resort to find a cheap and effective alternative to various surgeries.”
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Patients with multiple problems like back pain,knee pain,neck pain etc Please click here.
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